一開始先說明了 Java 常用的 14 種讀取檔案的方法,並簡單說明主要的優點(例如有沒有 thread-safety)
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Really zoomed plot
Comparison to C
較詳細的說明請直接參閱 [1] 的原文。
For the best Java read performance, there are four things to remember:
- Minimize I/O operations by reading an array at a time, not a byte at a time. An 8Kbyte array is a good size.
- Minimize method calls by getting data an array at a time, not a byte at a time. Use array indexing to get at bytes in the array.
- Minimize thread synchronization locks if you don't need thread safety. Either make fewer method calls to a thread-safe class, or use a non-thread-safe class like FileChannel and MappedByteBuffer.
- Minimize data copying between the JVM/OS, internal buffers, and application arrays. Use FileChannel with memory mapping, or a direct or wrapped array ByteBuffer.
2013/01/10 補充:
根據 [3] 的討論,使用 NIO 主要快的原因應該在於 NIO 可以呼叫 OS 的 DMA
不過我自己實際測試時,用傳統的 FileOutputStream 效率卻遠高於使用 FileChannel
亦即有可能是同顆硬碟的 File I/O,用傳統方法比較快;跨硬碟的 File I/O 則是用 NIO 比較快??
1、Java tip: How to read files quickly
2、Tweak your IO performance for faster runtime
3、Java NIO FileChannel versus FileOutputstream performance / usefulness
4、Using FileChannel instead of RandomAccessFile